
Understanding & Analyzing
Your Webex Calling Data

article hero image of Webex Calling with calling structure diagram

If you are using Webex Calling, you might be interested in knowing more about your organization’s call history, such as the number of calls, the duration, the locations, and the quality of the calls. Webex provides a way to access this data through the Webex Calling Detailed Call History API, which allows you to retrieve and analyze the call history data for your organization.

How do I access my Webex Calling Data?

Cisco provides users a couple of ways to retrieve Webex Calling their call data. The first is through Call Detail Records (CDR) in the Webex Control Panel which users can export as a CSV file, and the second is through the Webex Calling Call History API. The API is a RESTful API that returns data in JSON format and can be used to request data for a specific time period and filter the results by locations.

  • Call Detail Records (CDR) in the Webex Control Panel - Users can export Webex Calling CDR as CSV files containing call information like date, duration, participants etc. CDRs are retained for 400 days.
  • Webex Calling API - This REST API returns granular call metadata in JSON format. You can filter by time range, location etc. Data is available 5 minutes after the completion of the call and for up to 48 hours after a call.

The data returned by the API includes the following information for each call:

  • Call ID: A unique identifier for the call
  • Call Type: The type of the call, such as inbound, outbound, internal, or external
  • Call Direction: The direction of the call, such as incoming or outgoing
  • Call Start Time: The date and time when the call started
  • Call End Time: The date and time when the call ended
  • Call Duration: The duration of the call in seconds
  • Caller Number: The name of the caller
  • Caller Location: The location of the caller
  • Callee Number: The phone number of the callee
  • Callee Name: The name of the callee
  • Callee Location: The location of the callee
  • Call Quality: The quality of the call, such as good, fair, or poor
  • Call Quality Reason: The reason for the call quality, such as network congestion, packet loss, jitter, or latency

Review the API documentation for the full list.

Webex Calling Record Retention

Detailed call history data can be retrieved through the Webex API 5 minutes after a call has ended, and is available for up to 48 hours afterwards, and CDR retrieved from the Cisco Control Hub is retained for 400 days. For longer record retention and for trend analysis over time, a third party solution such as Metropolis' Expo XT an be used to centralize Webex Calling data, standardize and consolidate it, and enable enhanced trend analytics.

Analyzing the Data

With your call data in hand, you can generate powerful insights like:

  • Identifying peak calling times and capacity planning
  • Pinpointing locations with poor call quality for troubleshooting
  • Understanding call patterns across customer-facing teams
  • Pinpointing locations with poor call quality for troubleshooting
  • Monitoring usage of key calling features
  • Identifying unoptimized calling workflows

With Webex Calling data at your fingertips, you can make informed, data-driven decisions to improve your phone system and workflows. Proper analysis unlocks the full value of your calling data.

Ready to unlock the potential of your Cisco Webex Calling data?
Test drive Expo XT free today and see how it simplifies your Cisco Webex Calling reporting!

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